
Der pate pc spiel
Der pate pc spiel

der pate pc spiel

Successfully complete the first mission, then save the game and quit before answering the phone downstairs. Woltz: Collect 70 film reels Sonny At The Tollbooth: Collect 85 film reels Sorry Sally: Collect 100 film reels Woltz: "Death To The Traitor " mission Trigger Too Tight: "Horseplay" mission Mattresses Montage: "A Recipe For Revenge" mission Where's Michael?: "Now it's Personal" mission Spoiled Guinea Brat: "The Silent Witness" mission Carlo Learns A Lesson: "Sonny's War" mission Are You Ready To Do Me This Favor?: "Change Of Plans" mission The Don's Demise: "Order To Kill" mission Carlo Goes For A Ride: "It's Only Business" mission The Baptism: "Baptism By Fire" mission Johnny Fontane: Collect 10 film reels Don Sends Luca On An Errand: Collect 20 film reels Luca's Demise: Collect 30 film reels The Don Is Dead: Collect 40 film reels Whack Paulie: Collect 55 film reels Good Morning Mr. Bonasera: "The Enforcer" mission Meeting With Sollozzo: "A Grave Situation" mission Sicilian Sign: "Sleeping With The Fishes" mission Five Shots: "The Don Is Dead" mission Sonny And Tom Disagree: "Intensive Care" mission Sonny And Tom Argue Again: "Fireworks" mission Mr. Regarding Sollozzo: "The Alley" mission Mr. Successfully complete the indicated mission or collect the indicated number of film reels to unlock the corresponding movie: To bypass this, save the game after a code has been enabled, quit the game, then reload your saved game. Note: There is a five minute lockout before a code can be re-enabled. Then, type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. While playing the game, press to pause the game.

Der pate pc spiel