
Sins of a solar empire 40k
Sins of a solar empire 40k

Larger empires can support more powerful economies, which in turn enables a larger fleet. The first 30 minutes of the match are arguably the most important, as this is where both you and your opponent will lay the foundation of your respective empires.

  • 3.3.5 Support (TEC: Dunov / Advent: Rapture / Vasari: Antorak).
  • 3.3.4 Siege (TEC: Marza / Advent: Revelation / Vasari: Vulkoras).
  • 3.3.3 Battleship (TEC: Kol / Advent: Radiance / Vasari: Kortul).
  • 3.3.2 Carrier (TEC: Sova / Advent: Halcyon / Vasari: Skirantra).
  • 3.3.1 Colony (TEC: Akkan / Advent: Progenitor / Vasari: Jarrasul).
  • 3.2.6 Fleet Support Cruiser (TEC: 5 / Vasari: 5 / Advent: 3).
  • 3.2.5 Repair/Disable Support Cruiser (TEC: 3 / Vasari: 4 / Advent: 5).
  • 3.2.4 Minelayer (Vasari only: 3) ( Entrenchment/Diplomacy Only).
  • 3.2.3 Assault Cruiser (TEC: 4 / Advent: 3 / Vasari: n/a) ( Entrenchment/Diplomacy Only).
  • sins of a solar empire 40k

    3.2.2 Siege Frigate (TEC: 2 / Advent: 1 / Vasari: 1).

    sins of a solar empire 40k

    3.1.4 Carrier Cruiser (TEC: 3 / Advent: 2 / Vasari: 3).3.1.2 Long Range Frigate (TEC: 2 / Advent: 3 / Vasari 1).1.1 Colony Frigates vs Colony Capital Ships.

    Sins of a solar empire 40k